Know about Renal agenesis

Know about Renal agenesis

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Know about Renal agenesis
Posted in 2013

Most people are born with two kidneys. Renal agenesis (or kidney agenesis) means one or both kidneys do not develop while a baby is growing in the womb. 
Renal agenesis may be picked up before birth on the 20 week antenatal ultrasound scan, or soon after birth. It may also be picked up in an older child who has some symptoms.
  • If one kidney has not developed, this is called unilateral renal agenesis. Many children and adults live with one kidney with no serious problems. They may need to go to follow-up appointments to check for any possible long-term effects.
  • If both kidneys have not developed, this is called bilateral renal agenesis. If this is suspected your antenatal scan, you will need to go back to the hospital for more scans to confirm the problem. Sadly, babies with no kidneys are unable to survive. 
Renal agenesis happens in the womb when one or both kidneys do not develop. It is estimated that one baby in a thousand is born with only one kidney. However, it is very rare that both kidneys do not develop.
It is not always possible to know why renal agenesis happens. In the majority of cases, it is not caused by anything that the mother does during her pregnancy, and it is unlikely that a future pregnancy will result in renal agenesis or other problems with the kidneys. 
Occasionally a specific cause is found.

My advice
1...  We don't know how the child is growing in mother's womb.
2...  We will know after the child's birth that his kidney is not functioning with various tests
3..    Couples should have positive thinking before conceiving so that most of birth defects can be avoided
4...  I advise every couple to develop positive thinking before conceiving

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