Pregnant woman should maintain Vitamin D levels in her body

Pregnant woman should maintain  Vitamin D levels in her body

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Pregnant woman should maintain  Vitamin D levels in her body
Posted in 2013

ACOG does not recommend that vitamin D be measured routinely in pregnant women.  In a Committee Opinion published in July 2011, ACOG determined that “there is insufficient evidence to support a recommendation for screening all pregnant women for vitamin D deficiency.”
Many experts disagree, however, citing the increased rate of rickets being found in the United States.   Pediatricians in the United States have found such a high rate of deficiency in the neonatal population that the American Academy of Pediatricians now recommends that all exclusively breastfed babies be given a supplement of 400 IU of vitamin D daily, beginning in the first few days of life.
ACOG acknowledged that, for pregnant patients “thought to be at increased risk, measurement of total levels can be considered with “high-risk groups” that have many of the risk factors cited earlier.
If you want to test your patients, no single plan is recommended. A sample algorithm includes the following steps:
  • Measure total 25-OHD at the time of prenatal registration labs
  • Select a level of supplementation, based on the findings 
  • Recheck the 25-OHD level after 3 months. For most patients, this would be around the time of a standard glucose screening test
  • Adjust the supplementation level, as needed
  • Measure 25-OHD at admission to labor and delivery.

My advise
1...  Pregnant woman should maintain Vitamin D levels for her body and also for her child.
2.... Eat healthy food contain Vitamin D and expose your self in Morning or evening Sunlight

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