World heart day September 29

World heart day September 29

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World heart day September 29
Posted in 2015

World Heart day September 29
Healthy Heart Choices for Every one ..Every where
World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year and is a chance for people across the globe to take part in the world's biggest intervention against cardiovascular disease (CVD).
This World Heart Day, our focus is on creating healthy heart environments. By ensuring that everyone has the chance to make healthy heart choices wherever they live, work and play, World Heart Day encourages us all to reduce our cardiovascular risk, and promotes a heart-healthy planet for those around us.
There are many ways to get involved, from planning your own World Heart Day event to sharing your Healthy Heart Selfies (a photo of yourself making the heart symbol, just like our campaign image!) on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Please help us to give everyone, everywhere the right to make healthy heart choices. Keep visiting this website regularly for more updates and information! 
Reasons As per Medical Astrology::No incident will occur without cause. You can protect your body with Healthy habits, healthy food As per Medical Astrology 4th house, Cancer and the planets tenanting, Planetary aspects and owners of 4th house indicates Heart problems. If any person follow Healthy habits he can avoid Heart attacks. Protect with Healthy food, Healthy life will be safe. 

My advise
1...   Heart attacks occur due to the blockage of veins carrying blood to the heart.
2...   Blockage of veins are due to our unhealthy life style.
3...   Drink sufficient water
4...   Follow healthy food

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