Importance of Vitamin D in your Pregnancy

Importance of Vitamin D in your Pregnancy

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Importance of Vitamin D in your Pregnancy
Posted in 2015

With all the publicity surrounding vitamin D lately, it’s no surprise that you have lots of questions. Should you test your patients for deficiency? When? What numbers should you use? And how do you treat a low vitamin D level?
In pregnancy, these issues become critical because there are not one but two patients to consider. Despite the lack of clear guidelines, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that you should at least consider monitoring the vitamin D status of your pregnant patients.

Fetal needs for vitamin D increase during the latter half of pregnancy, when bone growth and ossification are most prominent. Vitamin D travels to the fetus by passive transfer, and the fetus is entirely dependent on maternal stores.   Therefore, maternal status is a direct reflection of fetal nutritional status.
The vitamin D level in breast milk also correlates with the maternal serum level, and a low vitamin D level in breast milk can exert a harmful effect on a newborn.

My advise
1....  Vitamin D is not only important during your pregnancy but also is important when you feed milk to your child.
2...   Take care of Vitamin D during and after pregnancy

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