Vitamin D effect your pregnancy

Vitamin D effect your pregnancy

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Vitamin D effect your pregnancy
Posted in 2013

Vitamin D’s role in pregnancy outcomes has yet to be fully described, making it an exciting field to explore. Research into vitamin D and its effects on pregnancy is still in its infancy, but many intriguing associations have been noted. For example, lower levels of vitamin D have been associated with increased rates of cesarean delivery,bacterial vaginosis, and preeclampsia, as well as less efficient glucose metabolism.   
There is biological plausibility for vitamin D to play a role in pregnancy outcomes, given the presence of receptors in gestational tissues. Vitamin D receptors in uterine muscle could affect contractile strength, and vitamin D has been shown to have immunomodulatory effects, thereby potentially protecting the host from infection.
As I mentioned, placental vitamin D receptors and their role need further exploration.

My advise
1...    When you decided to give birth to a child think of Vitamin D
2....   It is available in your healthy food and Sunlight

Brought to U ....


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