Know about Vitamin D

Know about Vitamin D

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Know about Vitamin D
Posted in 2013

For years, vitamin D was discussed solely in relation to bone metabolism and absorption, and deficiency states were the purview of endocrinologists and gynecologists who treated menopausal patients at risk of osteoporosis. Recent studies demonstrate that vitamin D plays a role in multiple endocrine systems. Indeed, vitamin D may be more correctly considered a hormone because it is a substance produced by one organ (skin) that travels through the bloodstream to target end organs. Vitamin D receptors have been found in bone, breast, brain, colon, muscle, and pancreatic tissues. Not only does vitamin D affect bone metabolism, it also modulates immune responses and even glucose metabolism.  Vitamin D receptors have also been found in the placenta; their role in that organ remains to be elucidated.

My advise
1...   Since last few years scientists are studying and researching on Vitamin D to know it is useful to pregnant and unborn child.
2...   It is freely available in your healthy food and Sunlight

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