Risks factors of Hemoglobin levels

Risks factors of Hemoglobin levels

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Risks factors of Hemoglobin levels
Posted in 2012

Older people or people who lack iron in their diets can be at risk of developing anemia.
People who do vigorous exercise are also at greater risk, as exertion can lead to a breakdown of red blood cells in the bloodstream. Women who are menstruating or pregnant may also be at increased risk of developing anemia.
People who have chronic health conditions, including autoimmune conditions, liver disease, thyroid disease and inflammatory bowel disease, may have lower hemoglobin levels, which increases the chances of developing anemia.
Hemoglobin levels increase in situations where a person needs more oxygen in their body. Consequently, someone who has lung or kidney disease, who smokes, or is dehydrated, may be at risk of increased hemoglobin levels.
My advise
1....  Follow healthy habits to protect your health
2....  Pregnant woman should take care of her health

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