Types of Renal agenesis

Types of Renal agenesis

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Types of Renal agenesis
Posted in 2013

Unilateral renal agenesis

In unilateral renal hypoplasia, one kidney has not developed. (‘Unilateral’ means one side.)  Many children with only one kidney have no symptoms or complications and do not need treatment. Sometimes the other kidney grows larger than normal to make up for the missing kidney. However, children may be at risk of Urinary track infections(UTI)    and/or   Hypertension (high blood pressure) later in life.
Bilateral renal agenesis
In bilateral renal agenesis, both kidneys have not developed. (‘Bilateral’ means two sides.)  If this is suspected, you will need to go back to the hospital for more scans to confirm the problem. Sadly, babies with no kidneys are unable to survive. 
In such situations, some people decide to terminate (stop) a pregnancy. This is a very personal decision. A healthcare professional will speak with you and support whatever decision you make.

My advise
1...   Develop positive thinking before conceiving.
2....  Continue positive thinking till delivery
3...   Be happy till delivery

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