Female infertility due to Ovulation

Female infertility due to Ovulation

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Female infertility due to Ovulation
Posted in 2012

The ovaries do not release an egg each month 
  • Ovulation problems can result from dysfunction of the part of the brain and the glands that control ovulation or from dysfunction of the ovaries.
  • Women can determine whether ovulation is occurring and estimate when it occurs by measuring body temperature or using home predictor kits.
  • Doctors use ultrasonography or blood or urine tests to evaluate ovulation problems.
  • Drugs, usually clomiphene or letrozole, can often stimulate ovulation, but pregnancy does not always follow.
In women, a common cause of infertility is an ovulation problem.


Reproduction is controlled by a system that includes the hypothalamus (an area of the brain), pituitary gland, ovaries, and other glands, such as the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Problems with ovulation (release of an egg) result when one part of this system malfunctions. For example,
  • The hypothalamus may not secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the hormones that stimulate the ovaries and trigger ovulation (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone).
  • The pituitary gland may produce too little luteinizing hormone or follicle-stimulating hormone.
  • The ovaries may produce too little estrogen.
  • The pituitary gland may produce too much prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production. High levels of prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) may result in low levels of the hormones that trigger ovulation. Prolactin levels may be high because of a pituitary gland tumor (prolactinoma), which is almost always noncancerous.
  • Other glands may malfunction. For example, the adrenal glands may overproduce male hormones (such as testosterone), or the thyroid glands can overproduce or underproduce thyroid hormones, which help keep the pituitary gland and ovaries in balance.

Ovulation problems may be due to many disorders. One of the most common causes is
  • Polycystic ovary syndrom, which is usually characterized by excess weight and excess production of male hormones by the ovaries

Other causes of ovulation problems include
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Excessive exercise
  • Certain drugs (such as estrogens and progestins and antidepressants)
  • Weight loss
  • Psychologic stress

Sometimes the cause is early menopause—when the supply of eggs runs out early.

An ovulation problem is often the cause of infertility in women who have irregular periods or no periods ). Infrequently, an ovulation problem is the cause of infertility in women who have regular menstrual periods but do not have premenstrual symptoms, such as breast tenderness, lower abdominal swelling, and mood changes.

My advise
1...  Ovulation problems can be solved with healthy habits
2...  Follow healthy habits to solve this problem

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