Avoid stress for your fertility

Avoid stress for your fertility

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Avoid stress for your fertility
Posted in 2012

Stress may reduce your sexual satisfaction and impair your fertility.
Researchers believe the hormone cortisol may partly explain these adverse effects of stress.
Prolonged stress raises levels of cortisol, which has strong negative effects on testosterone. When cortisol goes up, testosterone levels tend to go down 
While severe, unexplained anxiety is typically treated with medication, milder forms of stress can be alleviated by numerous relaxation techniques.
Stress management can be as simple as taking a walk in nature, meditating, exercising or spending time with friends.
Try to be happy with your family to avoid stress
My advise
1....  All of you know the impact of your stress on your body. 
2...   The cause of many health problems are due to stress or tensions in your profession or family life.
3...   Follow healthy habits to keep your mind cool or healthy

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