Lung development in your unborn child 1

Lung development in your unborn child 1

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Lung development in your unborn child 1
Posted in 2013

Lung development in a fetus starts during the embryonic phase, at around four weeks of gestational age. Very early in development, what will eventually be a baby is nothing more than a cell ball, where none of the cells are yet specialized. An early differentiation event separates cells into several different layers, one of which will become the organs of the gut. It is from these cells that the lungs develop, eventually becoming capable of respiring on their own after a baby is born.

Embryonic Phase

The embryonic phase of lung development takes place during weeks four and five of gestation, notes the University of New South Wales. During this phase, what will become the larynx, or voicebox, and the trachea, or windpipe, form from the foregut. Two small buds branch off, one of which will become the left lung, and one of which will become the right lung.

My advise
1....   For development of any part or cell need sufficient oxygen...  Your child's lungs also need sufficient oxygen to develop
2....  Your oxygen levels are depend on your food
3...   Eat healthy food which consume less oxygen for your body needs and sufficient oxygen to your child

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