Vitamin D need for your fertility

Vitamin D need for your fertility

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Vitamin D need for your fertility
Posted in 2012

 Vitamin D is another nutrient that may boost your testosterone levels.
One observational study showed that vitamin D-deficient men were more likely to have low testosterone levels 
A controlled study in 65 men with low testosterone levels and Vitamin D deficiency supported these findings. Taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 every day for one year increased their testosterone levels by around 25% .  Additionally, high vitamin D levels are linked to greater sperm motility, but the evidence is conflicting 
Vitamin D is important to maintain good health and avoid bone destruction...  It is very important to the couple when they decided to give birth to Healthy child.  It is very important to avoid bone, skull and bone structure defects.

My advise
1....  Vitamin D is needed for maintaining for your health.
2....  Vitamin D also needed for your healthy sperm or egg
3...   Vitamin D is available in your healthy food and sun light
4....  Expose your bodies to sun light in morning or evening sun light for 15 to 20 minutes daily

Brought to U ....


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