Birth defect Kidney 4

Birth defect Kidney 4

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Birth defect Kidney 4
Posted in 2014

Missing kidneys

In some children, one or both of the kidneys may not develop at all (kidney agenesis). Children who are missing both kidneys cannot survive.

In children who are missing only one kidney, the remaining kidney usually develops normally and often becomes bigger than normal to compensate for the missing one. In such cases, the child is expected to have a normal life expectancy and does not need any treatment.

My advise
1....   Any birth defect to the child is the cause of unhealthy habits or unhealthy food of the mother.
2...    I advise every couple to follow healthy habits when you decided to give birth to healthy child.
3....   Develop positive thinking when you decided to give birth to the Healthy child

Brought to U ....


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