Miscarriage and tests

Miscarriage and tests

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My memories
Miscarriage and tests
Posted in 2014

My main intention is that from first date of your pregnancy you should take care of yourself and your unborn baby till safe delivery. You are giving to birth to a child who has to live in this universe for full life span..Protect yourself and your unborn baby.
Blood tests, genetic tests, or medication may be necessary if a woman has more than two miscarriages in a row (called repeated miscarriage). Some diagnostic procedures used to evaluate the cause of repeated miscarriage include:
Endometrial biopsy, a procedure involving the removal of a small amount of tissue from the lining of the uterus for study under a microscope Hysterosalpingogram, an X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes
Hysteroscopy, a test in which the doctor views the inside of the uterus with a thin, telescope-like device inserted through the vagina and cervix
Laparoscopy, a surgical procedure in which the doctor views the pelvic organs with a lighted device
If you experienced two abortions 1. You have take more care of your day to day pregnancy. 2. Avoid Oily, Non Veg food completely 3. Eat fruits in evening daily. 4. Take Healthy food and adopt healthy life style.

My advise
1....  Miscarriage may happened due to various reasons such as advanced age, unhealthy habits etc..
2....  I advise every woman to take care of her health, follow healthy habits, healthy food etc..
3...  Drink sufficient water

Brought to U ... http://successgain.us


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