Water benefit to Male for Fertility

Water benefit to Male for Fertility

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Water benefit to Male for Fertility
Posted in 2012

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, get fit or conceive, the same advice applies – you have to drink more water. Semen is a fluid so there is inevitably a connection between semen and water intake, but just how much water should a man drink?

We need !. Air 2. Water and 3. Healthy food not more than this..I explained U many times but many people across the Globe are asking me to Explain the benefits of Water in Male.
The water is equally benefits to male and female
1. Improves Brain power
2. Removes unwanted pollution from our body
3. Regulate blood flow
4. Clean blood
5. Improves the functions of kidneys
6. Prevents major health problems like Heart attacks, paralysis, Brain strokes etc..
Besides it there are many benefits to our body...So Drink water to protect your self.....

My advise
1...   Water is most important for our body functions including  wight loss, get fit and for conceiving
2...   Drink water to conceive.

Brought to U ...  http://successgain.info


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