Know about Amniotic fluid in Uterus

Know about Amniotic fluid in Uterus

Brought to U....    and

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Know about Amniotic fluid in Uterus
Posted in 2014

During pregnancy, the fetus develops in a special fluid that helps to keep it protected. The amniotic fluid also aids in the development of the fetus. This lesson covers the make-up and functions of amniotic fluid.

The Womb

During pregnancy, the fetal baby develops in the uterus. After about 12 days of pregnancy, an amniotic sac forms inside the uterus. The amniotic sac will hold the baby and the amniotic fluid for the remainder of the pregnancy.
Amniotic fluid fills the amniotic sac. At first, the fluid is mainly just water from the mother's body. This may explain why women become so thirsty for the first trimester. About 98% of the amniotic fluid is water, and the remaining 2% is salt and cells from the baby.
After about 4 months, or 20 weeks into the pregnancy, the fetus will develop kidneys. This will allow for the fetus to begin urinating. The fetus will be able to swallow and digest the amniotic fluid. Eventually, the amniotic fluid will become mainly urine from the fetus. Yucky, but it is perfectly okay for the baby. Besides urine, the fluid will also have some nutrients, hormones, and antibodies in it.

My advise
1...  From the beginning I am telling that water helps to expand the uterus during pregnancy.
2...  Amniotic fluid is developed in side uterus to protect and expand according to the child body.
3...  Amniotic fluid consist of 98% water
4...  Drink sufficient water before and after conceiving

Brought to U .....


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