Protect your uterus 3

Protect your uterus 3

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Protect your uterus 3
Posted in 2012

2. Having numerous sexual partners increases the chances of pelvic inflammation.
3. Eat plenty of cold water fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel and salmon, which helps reduce the secretion of prostaglandin – a hormone-like substance that can make the uterus contract too hard, causing pain and increasing the chances of a malpositioning of the uterus.
4. Exercise your pelvic muscles. Experts say that swimming is the best exercise to strengthen the uterus, and that swimming two hours per week can reduce back pain, relieve period pain and make childbirth easier. If you don’t have a swimming pool near by, try pelvic exercise weights. They’re just as effective.
5. Avoid using birth control pills for extended periods of time. Research has shown that using birth control pills continuously for over eight years can interrupt the body’s natural hormone balance and increases the chances of developing fibroids. Check out 10 birth control options without the pills.
6. Have a clean sexual partner. Research in England found that the chances of a woman developing a pelvic inflammatory disease are reduced by 70% when her sexual partner cleans his private part before sexual intimacy. Experts say that many bacteria that can lead to pelvic infection are carried in the folds of the male penis.

My advise
1....  Uterus is very important to give birth to the child.
2...   Uterus health  can be protected with water and healthy food
3..    Most of woman will face infertility problems due to unhealthy of uterus
4....  Follow healthy habits to protect your uterus

Brought to U ....


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