Uterus health for conceiving ..13

Uterus health for conceiving ..13

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Uterus health for conceiving ..13
Posted in 2014

Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalance contributes to or may play a key role in a variety of fertility issues that may affect the uterus. PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, and Endometriosis are just some of the more serious ways hormonal imbalance may contribute to uterine dysfunction. If our hormones are not balanced, we may have an irregular menstrual cycle or irregularities in the menstrual cycle such as Absent Periods, short cycles, long heavy cycles, etc.
In the case of irregular menstruation, there is a chance that the uterus is not able to fully empty its contents each month. A uterus that is not stimulated to shed the endometrium, or sheds the endometrium inadequately each month, may become atrophied. This means the muscles lose their tone and strength. If the mucosal lining known as the stratum functionale is not stimulated to secrete mucus and build up the endometrium, then the uterus is not lubricated and may become “dry” and weak. You can see why this would not be the best environment to house an embryo. The endometrium needs proper hormonal balance to be signaled to grow to a proper size to house and nourish the embryo until the placenta is developed enough to take over.
As I said before, the menstrual cycle is a complex symphony of communication and actions; anything that disrupts the function of the communication or physical make-up of our reproductive system may cause the uterus to not function properly. This includes hormonal balance.

My advise
1....  The parents should advice their child how to protect her uterus when menstruation started.
2...   They should feed their child nutritious food when menstruation started
3...   The woman after menstruation should take Iron rich food because due to regular periods their body will face Iron deficiency which causes several complications in conceiving
4...   Drink sufficient water 

Brought to U ...http://successgain.info


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