Water is important for healthier eggs1

Water is important for healthier eggs 1

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Water is important for healthier eggs 1
Posted in 2012

Most people have heard recommendations to drink sufficient  of water a day, but this can prove challenging, particularly for busy women who are trying to get pregnant. Taking time to drink water really is worth it, though. Water is vital to maintaining basic body functions, will help your baby be healthier when you do get pregnant and can improve fertility.

Water and Health

Your overall health plays an important role in whether you become pregnant. Fertility hinges on your body's ability to produce a healthy egg. Women who are severely malnourished or unhealthy might not ovulate at all. By drinking enough water, you increase your overall health, which increases fertility.

Water and Implantation

After an egg is fertilized, it must travel to the uterus and implant itself. Many fertilized eggs fail to implant, resulting in a very early miscarriage. Women usually mistake these miscarriages for their periods. Water plays an important role in this process because water is necessary for cell division, metabolism and reproduction. The cells of the uterine wall must be healthy for the egg to implant. Drinking water is a simple way to ensure the health of your uterus.

My advise
1....  Water is important for your health when you decided to give birth to a healthy child.   When you are healthy then your egg will be healthy.
2...   Water will make your uterus healthy
3...   Water will clean your blood and all parts of your body.
4...   Drink sufficient water to conceive

Brought to U .....  http://successgain.us


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