Uterus health for conceiving ...8

Uterus health for conceiving ...8

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Uterus health for conceiving ...8
Posted in 2014

Causes of Uterine Fibroids

Though 20% – 80% of women by age 50 will develop uterine fibroids, according to the Office on Women’s Health at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, doctors are actually unsure of what causes them to occur. What they do know, however, is that estrogen and progesterone contribute to the growth of the fibroids.
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) understand that “reproductive hormones like estrogen appear to stimulate cells to release growth factors (growth factors are chemicals secreted by cells which stimulate other cells to increase in size and number and to differentiate into specialized types of cells…)”
Estrogen and progesterone are at their highest levels during a woman’s childbearing years; this is why uterine fibroids are thought to develop during this time. Normally, after a woman goes through menopause, her body produces lower levels of estrogen and progesterone causing the fibroids to begin to shrink and any associated symptoms, such as pain and pressure to subside.
Uterine fibroids are hormone dependent. They develop during the hormonally active years and decline in menopause. Fibroid tissue has a higher amount of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Fibroid tissue is hypersensitive to estrogen, but does not have the capacity to regulate the estrogen response; this is why they can grow to become quite large. Other hormones play a role in the growth of uterine fibroids as well, including prolactin, parathyroid hormone, insulin growth factor, and pituitary growth hormone.
Fibroids are two to three times more likely to develop in African American women compared to any other ethnicity. In one case study highlighted in the New England Journal of Medicine, Elizabeth A. Stewart, M.D., of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Mayo Clinic shares, “The lifetime prevalence of fibroids exceeds 80% among black women…”

My advise
1....  The parents should advice their child how to protect her uterus when menstruation started.
2...   They should feed their child nutritious food when menstruation started
3...   The woman after menstruation should take Iron rich food because due to regular periods their body will face Iron deficiency which causes several complications in conceiving
4...   Drink sufficient water 

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