Uterus health for conceiving.... 4

Uterus health for conceiving.... 4

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My memories
Uterus health for conceiving.... 4
Posted in 2012

Sedentary Lifestyle
Leading an inactive lifestyle with little to no exercise creates a situation of stagnation of blood flow to our uterus and other reproductive organs. The main artery that supplies blood to our legs also supplies blood to our uterus, ovaries, and vagina. If we sit around a lot, especially if we have a desk job, the blood flow to our uterus may be compromised. This is also not a good situation if we have fertility issues pertaining to our uterus, especially if there is scar tissue or adhesions present. Not moving this area of our body enough can contribute to scar tissue and adhesions forming. Doctors going in for surgery in this area of the body have reported scar tissue and adhesions attaching the uterus or ovaries to other areas of the body such as the bladder or other organs. This can be very painful and dangerous.
Sedentary lifestyle also contributes directly to weak muscles of the uterus.

My advise
1....  The parents should advice their child how to protect her uterus when menstruation started.
2...   They should feed their child nutritious food when menstruation started
3...   The woman after menstruation should take Iron rich food because due to regular periods their body will face Iron deficiency which causes several complications in conceiving

Brought to U ...http://successgain.info


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