Lung development in your unborn child 3

Lung development in your unborn child 3

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Lung development in your unborn child 3
Posted in 2013

Saccular Phase

Until about 36 weeks of gestational age, a fetus is in the saccular phase of lung development. During this time, surfactant production begins in the lungs. Surfactant is a soapy substance that helps keep delicate lung tissue from sticking to itself and tearing during exhalation or if the lungs are compressed. Surfactant is particularly important during delivery, as it allows the lungs to drain of amniotic fluid and fill with air properly. Premature infants are susceptible to respiratory problems and lung collapse if they’re born before sufficient surfactant forms. The University of Lausanne also notes that air sacs begin to fill during this phase.

Alveolar Phase

The last phase of lung development, lasting until birth and beyond into early childhood, is the alveolar phase. The University of New South Wales notes that in addition to additional production of surfactant, lung development during this period is characterized by growth of more bronchioles and air sacs, called alveoli. This allows the gas-exchange tissues of the lungs to expand and makes them capable of moving more air as a baby, and later a child, grows.

My advise
1....   For development of any part or cell need sufficient oxygen...  Your child's lungs also need sufficient oxygen to develop
2....  Your oxygen levels are depend on your food
3...   Eat healthy food which consume less oxygen for your body needs and sufficient oxygen to your child

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