Protect your uterus 5

Protect your uterus 5

Brought to U....    and

My memories
Protect your uterus 5
Posted in 2012

12. Keep your uterus warm. Cold accumulated in the uterus is a common cause of painful periods and fertility issues. So avoid consuming raw and cold foods and drinks during your periods. And wear enough clothes to keep your body and your uterus warm.
13. Have a nutritious breakfast with whole grains. Research shows that 30% of women who have pelvic diseases have a lower than average intake of folic acid and beta-carotene. Whole grains are rich in these vital nutrients and the best time for absorption is in the morning when you have breakfast.
14. Pay attention to your vaginal discharge. Excessive, watery, cottage cheese-like, yellow, smelly or other abnormal vaginal discharges are early indications of a possible dysfunction of the uterus.
15. Improve the immunity of your uterus. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and can help improve the immunity of the uterus from external bacteria. So start drinking a cup of warm lemon water in the morning.
Remember, our uterus is a palace to house our innate ability to create new life and it needs to be looked after.

My advise
1....  Uterus is very important to give birth to the child.
2...   Uterus health  can be protected with water and healthy food
3..    Most of woman will face infertility problems due to unhealthy of uterus
4....  Follow healthy habits to protect your uterus

Brought to U ....


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