Protect your uterus 4

Protect your uterus 4

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Protect your uterus 4
Posted in 2012

7. Don’t hold your urine. Holding urine can make waste materials accumulate in the bladder possibly causing bladder infection, which can also lead to vaginal and pelvic infection, due to their close proximity. Additionally, a habitually enlarged bladder can cause undue pressure on the uterus, causing it to move out of position.
8. Quit smoking. Research in England discovered that cancer-causing substances in cigarettes tend to concentrate in the body fluids around the cervix. Long-term smoking can have a dangerously harmful effect on the uterus.
9. Maintain a healthy body weight. Lacking adequate body fats to hold the uterus in place can result in a prolapsed or dropped uterus, which increases the chances of pelvic infections and period pain.
10. Don’t sit for too long. Sitting at your desk for too long without adequate exercise inhibits the healthy blood and energy circulation in the pelvic area. This can cause the thickening of the uterine wall and increase the chances of endometriosis. So get up and move around every hour or so.
11. Massage your abdomen with rose essential oil. This is a uterine care routine that’s popular in China and Korea. Put two drops of rose essential oil into your palm. Warm it up by rubbing your palms together. Then push your palms from your rib cage area toward your uterus. Massage it for a few times until the area gets a little warm. This is an excellent massage to prevent and relieve period pain.

My advise
1....  Uterus is very important to give birth to the child.
2...   Uterus health  can be protected with water and healthy food
3..    Most of woman will face infertility problems due to unhealthy of uterus
4....  Follow healthy habits to protect your uterus

Brought to U ....


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