Water benefits you ......7

Water benefits you ......7

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Water benefits you ......7
Posted in 2012

11) Water mobilizes your small intestine

Like an internal garden hose, the small intestine sends water around the body to deliver molecules—amino acids, sugars, fats—your cells need to live.

*Extra takeaway: Bottled water vs. tap water

Now that you know it’s important to keep up with your water intake, what about tap water vs. bottled water? Well, not only is bottled water a bit more convenient, it might also be safer. In a recent study  from the Environment Science and Technology, researchers found possible risks of acute gastrointestinal illness from aging water distribution systems. Why risk cramps and discomfort when it can all be avoided with purified, bottled water?

My advise
1...  Most of us neglect water but it helps to maintain good health
2...  It protect all joints
3...  It remove unwanted in our body
4...  It protect our brain, heart and kidney functions
5...  It increases your sperm health
6.... It increases your egg health
7...  It increases your unborn child's brain, and all his body functions
8..   It increases your life span
9...  It helps to avoid complications during your pregnancy
10.. Drink sufficient water to protect your self

Brought to U .... http://successgain.us


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